Today we are here to talk about a team who overcame the odds by kicking the Odds right in the arss and leaving them to rot these men do not exist they are only legend but when they are called upon they can deal with anything these men are Nomad Weaver Holt and Midas these are the ghost the most elite covert ops group in The World. Honestly the book was great it told a story of torment destruction Team work action and some funny Jokes this book im surprised I even bothered to finish it usually i'll read a book and Just forget about it but this is special I loved the book because it built character and showed what would happen on a covert ops mission this is honestly the best book I have ever read I love it and its character Like Nomads the support gunner who is a Just getting new to the leader gig Weaver who's been partners in war with nomad ever since he quit the seals Holt is the wise cracker and sometimes disbelief in nomads leadership and Midas is the new guy trying to find his place in the team overall I give this book a grade A 10 stars and thank you Richard Dansky for this wonderful story
Do you Request this Book: YES
Hi my name is Jesse. I like to play video games and watch YouTube videos. I am 12 turning 13 and I am a year 8.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Weekly Reflection 1/12/2017
This week I feel I have really been negative but November for me is a negative month I don't know why it is but who cares it Christmas countdown to so its time to enjoy but getting into school I have got a lot of my tasks done like readtheroy manghigh and write bingo oh and also I am finished reading GHOST RECON WILDLANDS DARK WATERS which I give nothing write now if you want to know I will be publishing I book review on it soon so check that out if you want to know so for this week thats it im feeling Happy now and can't wait ti'll saint nick come's around.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Character description: Midas Book: Ghost recon wildlands dark Waters
Role: Assault
Skills: Speaks three languages Expert in cultural and ethnic studies mechanic and vehicles specialist
Rubio Delgado aka Midas is the assault for ghost squad a tier 1 covert ops unit made up in the clancy verse Rubio Delgado is 31 years old and knows many different cultures and can speak 3 different rent languages and is a good mechanic
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Character description: Holt Book: Ghost recon wildlands dark Waters

Role: Engineer
Skills: Speaks fluent Spanish. expert in intelligence technology and data decryption specialist
Dom Moretta aka Holt is the engineer for ghost squad a tier 1 covert ops unit made up in the clancy verse Dom Moretta is 33 years old and is a wisecracking comedian. and also his family has been known to serve in the army for generations at first he was actually a sapper and later joined the us army rangers.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Weekly Reflection 17/11/2017
So this week is the same as usually, I got a lot of work done like readtheroy comics and my writing sample I also got my book from America ghost recon wildland dark waters And after this im going to read it and school's end is right around the corner Im not sure what Im going to on the holidays but doesn't matter what matters is getting through school and that's it.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Weekly reflection 9/11/27
This week has been great I got a lot of work done and I started writing the sequel to one of my old books im hoping to finish it maybe this term but ya I cant wait for tomorrow to go to cooking and I hope its something yummy
Sunday, November 5, 2017
My character description my sister
Name: Jordanlee my sister
Sport: gymnastics/Touch/Hockey/netball
Likes: to do sports and plays outside jumping around on the tramp or shes swimming in the pool
Sport: gymnastics/Touch/Hockey/netball
Likes: to do sports and plays outside jumping around on the tramp or shes swimming in the pool
Week 3 reflection 03/11/2017
I got much work on my first week getting back into my normal work I finished my IE and showed it of to a few kids and I am really proud of it and I also got my read theory my blog post my calendar art my wotw and also my PAT which I hope I got a good score on this was a good week and I hope that W4 is as good as this week.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
My character description on my dad
Name: Dennis
Works at : Miranda Hot Pools
Likes: He builds and repairs stuff around the house, He likes cars, mostly Fords. He likes Apples. He likes to sit down and relax when he is not busy.
Works at : Miranda Hot Pools
Likes: He builds and repairs stuff around the house, He likes cars, mostly Fords. He likes Apples. He likes to sit down and relax when he is not busy.
I am proud of my IE this year I learnt about many different weapons like the revolving rifle from the civil war to the Hk416 today
if you want to see it i will update this post after my presintation
if you want to see it i will update this post after my presintation
Sunday, October 15, 2017
My Character Description on My Mum

Works at : Auckland airport dog quarantine
Likes:going to dog shows and presents her dogs she also breeds and gives away dogs under Tallahassee kennels
If you want a dog: french or British bulldog ring 0272962035
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Big game book Review 25/9/17
Today I am doing a book review on the book big game about a 13 year old finish hunter and the president of the united states the book starts off with the charterer Oskari speaking to himself confident but when he cant take down a supposed animal until he realises its a training target he and his dad uset to use for target practice later him and his dad are driving up to the place of skulls with SUV's and motor-homes and caravans with camping gear when everybody is ready and the chief hamara gets everybody to come around to the stage Oskari feels down because he feels he is unprepared for the trial but later he and the president must escape Morris the presidents favourite body guard and Hazar an insane hunter terrorist and over terrorists soldiers the rest is up to you do you think you can survive the harsh book of 2 survivors a 13 year old Man and the president of america read and see what happens
Rating of book 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
What you think Its amazing and very descriptive
Rating of book 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
What you think Its amazing and very descriptive
volleyball reflection 25/9/17
Volley ball was really fun while it lasted i learned digging set serve spike and I wasent that good but my instructors said i did well are instructors where a boy named haden a girl named evon and another girl called Elisha they where all very nice and skilled at volleyball even tho when we split up into groups it seemed haden and evon where unlucky because i got hit in the head once in each group but put aside that the learning powers i used where connecting and being me thank you evon haden and Elisha for having us and teaching us how to play volleyball and teaching us new skills that we can hopefully use in the future thank you again and hope to see you soon
Thursday, September 21, 2017
weekly Refilection 22/9/17
This week i dident do much i did do my read theory and attempted my manghigh tasks but next week will be better and ill get all my stuff done.

Thursday, September 14, 2017
Weekly Reflection 15/9/17
This week I Have done very well I have done 4 read theory tasks I have attempted all manghigh tasks for this week I have been showing progress on my IE summaries and I have also been showing progress on my write bingo by doing a character description on Oskari a character in the book im reading called big game.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
My character description BOOK:Big game Character:Oskari
He is a young brave man from finland fitted with a red sweater and a green puffer Jacket with cyan pants he is a brave hunter and he will never give up hope he got scared out there but that wouldn't stop him he would get us out of there no matter what the cost he was also very creative and skilled.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Weekly Reflection 8/9/17
I have shown resilience by trying hard to do the right thing with my infomation on my IE, I have shown I can be creative by taking a hero from one story and making a prequel to that original story, I have been using curiosity by doing all the I wonder boxes during this week by coming up with more questions

plus I showed being me by doing my best at transtar and sigma prime.
Monday, September 4, 2017
The man who almost killed Hitler or fuir
A man called Henry Tandey almost killed aldof Hitler during WW1 has Hitler was moving away from a lost battle by Germany the British forces where moving in on a wounded aldof Hitler the first solider to arrive was solider Henry Tandey supposedly Henry dident know who this man was at the time and out of pitty Henry let Hitler go maybe if Henry pulled the trigger WW2 may have not happend or maybe it would have but theirs no Honnor in killing a man who is injured badly

The countdown HAS STARTED

My Mum is going to try and see if she can take me a few friends and family to Lock' n Load again
and also my dad is going to try and see if his friend can give me a propper expert paint ball gun with a paintball gas mask
Sunday, September 3, 2017
On my birthday me and my family and raiden went to paintball at first I was a little bit scared but when I tried it was great fun.
The first map was a graveyard and the second map was full of barrels and the third map was area 51 and the fourth d-d'day.We had fun playing the minigames some were fun and some were exciting to play and one of them is the hunger games which is in area 51 but I think my
favorite was d-d’day because that minigame was get in the jeep and I met someone named levi and the cool thing is when we played area 51 which is where I got shot on the arm but when we did the hunger games scene it was my birthday levi let me keep my gun and
everybody else had to get there guns o and I shot a paintball into my cousins mask and by the way we do not now who shot me on the arm but at least I had fun.OH and by the way if
your wondering were we went to go to Lock N Load we went to nixon road at auckland airport. \
week reflection 9/6/2017
I feel like I have had a great week this week because I have gotten 2 bronze medals and A GOLD MEDAL
! in manghigh and still champion of transtar for my story that im making i really dident get that much work done on it because i was working on some different things oh and before I forget my favourite thing was going to the park on FRIDAY !
! in manghigh and still champion of transtar for my story that im making i really dident get that much work done on it because i was working on some different things oh and before I forget my favourite thing was going to the park on FRIDAY !
Weekly reflection 1/9/17
This week has been I would say one of my most productive weeks I've had because I have started a diary story plus I've decided that I will do my best to get better at read theory and do it more often. This week also I Learned that I am good at comparing and ordering angles and I am also silver medal good with Odds and Evens.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
My Project: Project Sniper

in total time i think the sniper could have been made in possible 4 or 3 days unless your working on it as your getting the materials. Thoy Sniper M is not finished I still use it as a toy gun if I want im also thinking of adding on a little box to the side to make like a thing that tells how far you target is and what elevation your at and and bi-pod made from 3 toilet paper rolls.
if you want to see what it sort of looked like before scroll down I will also update the picture if I find the toy rifle online

Thursday, June 22, 2017
Week Reflection 23/6/17
This week a got a Gold Meadel again and got a few bronze but otherwise I got more of my story done and in a few weeks will be done I think this was a decent week and the next will be better as I will be making more food in food tech and maybe ill do more story and Maths.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
IE reflection
What was your favourite thing about this project?
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Learning more about the kraken
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What was the most important thing you learned?
That the kraken was actual giant squid
What are your next steps or new ideas for next time?
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To build a kraken out of a box
But for IE next year we'll have to sea
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What changes did you make along the way?
I changed all the mistakes into better answers
What was the toughest part? How could you improve your this the next time?
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Cutting the front back thins for the box
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Thursday, May 18, 2017
fidget spinners why I find fidget spinners are bad
Just to say I dont hate fidget spinners this is Just a post why I think that fidget spinners are bad and dangerous. I think 1 Reason that I think fidget spinners are bad is because there noisy let my lay out a scene your sitting next to a person that has a fidget spinner he gets board so he pulls out his fidget spinner and spins it annoys you so you ask him to stop but he ignores you so you move up and walk away this is 1 reason.
Reason 2 there easy to chock on a post published May 18, 2017 At 2:10 p.m.
a mum sent a post out on face book saying here 10 year old daughter was cleaning here fidget spinner in here mouth and next minute she was taking to hospital immediate lee to get it take in out if you want to read the post go here kid chokes on fidget spinner
Reason 3 kids can get distracted with looking at the fidget spinner while it spins cane put a kid in a trants that they will not listen to what there teacher is saying during class the only sutible time is at home or during play time. And there you have it 3 Reasons why fidget spinners are bad and dangerous.
Just to say I dont hate fidget spinners this is Just a post why I think that fidget spinners are bad and dangerous. I think 1 Reason that I think fidget spinners are bad is because there noisy let my lay out a scene your sitting next to a person that has a fidget spinner he gets board so he pulls out his fidget spinner and spins it annoys you so you ask him to stop but he ignores you so you move up and walk away this is 1 reason.
Reason 2 there easy to chock on a post published May 18, 2017 At 2:10 p.m.
a mum sent a post out on face book saying here 10 year old daughter was cleaning here fidget spinner in here mouth and next minute she was taking to hospital immediate lee to get it take in out if you want to read the post go here kid chokes on fidget spinner
Reason 3 kids can get distracted with looking at the fidget spinner while it spins cane put a kid in a trants that they will not listen to what there teacher is saying during class the only sutible time is at home or during play time. And there you have it 3 Reasons why fidget spinners are bad and dangerous.
Reason 2 there easy to chock on a post published May 18, 2017 At 2:10 p.m.
a mum sent a post out on face book saying here 10 year old daughter was cleaning here fidget spinner in here mouth and next minute she was taking to hospital immediate lee to get it take in out if you want to read the post go here kid chokes on fidget spinner
Reason 3 kids can get distracted with looking at the fidget spinner while it spins cane put a kid in a trants that they will not listen to what there teacher is saying during class the only sutible time is at home or during play time. And there you have it 3 Reasons why fidget spinners are bad and dangerous.
Just to say I dont hate fidget spinners this is Just a post why I think that fidget spinners are bad and dangerous. I think 1 Reason that I think fidget spinners are bad is because there noisy let my lay out a scene your sitting next to a person that has a fidget spinner he gets board so he pulls out his fidget spinner and spins it annoys you so you ask him to stop but he ignores you so you move up and walk away this is 1 reason.
Reason 2 there easy to chock on a post published May 18, 2017 At 2:10 p.m.
a mum sent a post out on face book saying here 10 year old daughter was cleaning here fidget spinner in here mouth and next minute she was taking to hospital immediate lee to get it take in out if you want to read the post go here kid chokes on fidget spinner
Reason 3 kids can get distracted with looking at the fidget spinner while it spins cane put a kid in a trants that they will not listen to what there teacher is saying during class the only sutible time is at home or during play time. And there you have it 3 Reasons why fidget spinners are bad and dangerous.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Week reflection
I think I have started off with term 2 better then term 1 this week has been really great except the only thing thats ticked me off this week is that someones been touching my IE creation and fiddling with it I dont know who but I intend to find out but otherwise the thing that interest me is whats going to happen in the following weeks will we do more art well we do more creative mornings really I hope this happens and hope week 2 will be better.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Leader ship answers
A. Key Points: Identify and explain at least 5 key points/ideas/notions/thoughts about leadership and learning from the movie
1.start again work
4.hard working
B. Describe Richie Macaw with 3 words - a Leader, Smart being me
C. If you met Richie Macaw what would you ask him? How was it playing rugby?. What would you thank him for? For playing for his country. What else would you say to him. Do you think you were 1 of the best rugby players ?
B. Describe Richie Macaw with 3 words - a Leader, Smart being me
C. If you met Richie Macaw what would you ask him? How was it playing rugby?. What would you thank him for? For playing for his country. What else would you say to him. Do you think you were 1 of the best rugby players ?
Monday, March 20, 2017
Before CAMP Questions
1. What is your goal for camp? Why are you coming on camp?: To go as high as I can on the high ropes and because my mom wants me to go.
2. What skills, strengths, qualities, powers do you possess that will help you have a really successful camp experience?: Resilience, Connecting, Team Work, Being Me, Curiosity.
3. What will you do if you have a problem at camp? Who will you speak to? What will help you solve your problem?: mom parent home room teacher teacher
4. How will you be an effective team member in your car group, activity group and cabin group? What will we see or hear?: being nice and pliot in my group encourage my group
2. What skills, strengths, qualities, powers do you possess that will help you have a really successful camp experience?: Resilience, Connecting, Team Work, Being Me, Curiosity.
3. What will you do if you have a problem at camp? Who will you speak to? What will help you solve your problem?: mom parent home room teacher teacher
4. How will you be an effective team member in your car group, activity group and cabin group? What will we see or hear?: being nice and pliot in my group encourage my group
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Thursday, February 23, 2017
My If you could go back in time to any point in history...
I would go back in time to 1630s and become a successful pirate and take all the gold bars back to the present and become rich and when aver im a bout to run out of money ill go back in time. how to make your own pirate click on the link create pirate
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
My Tagul art

for me
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Sunday, February 12, 2017
How To Grow A Strong Brain
The brain works in multiple ways. As it creates it thinks and it controls your body. As you drink tons of water it helps you think and that creates neurons. Neurons help the brain think. Growing neruons is really important and you can help your brain to do this by:
Drinking water
Challenging yourself
Eating fruit and vegetables - Brain food
Taking brain breaks to rest your brain
Keeping your brain working by changing things up every day
Drinking water
Challenging yourself
Eating fruit and vegetables - Brain food
Taking brain breaks to rest your brain
Keeping your brain working by changing things up every day
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
tuakana teina
Monday, February 6, 2017
One word
My goal is to try and never give do or do not there is no try I hope to never stop doing what i need to accomplish now matter what i will not stop until im finished. #One word quote: never giving up
The waitangi day treaty
The Waitangi day treaty was made in the 6th of February 1840 it showed the peace between the British government and the moriori chiefs after the civil war of New Zealand ended the British troops went back to England and some British residents moved to New Zealand and started building homes and started making farms thats how all the different towns and city's around New Zealand where built
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Being a linguistic Lerner at school means im good with words when im making books doing poems or just talking normal. Also being a little bit interpersonal Lerner means I set goals for my self and I make my own decisions.
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