Thursday, February 22, 2018

23/2/18 weekly reflection

This week has been really great I made a boat called the HMS hood for this weeks chapter chat activity I had some fun at the workshops that we did on Tuesday but something not so good for my high score on Transtar happened my manghigh account got reset meaning that I have to get the high score on it again but I will make sure I get it.

Overall I give this week a 9/10 because something happened in my family that I shall not talk about 

Sunday, February 18, 2018


  1. fav story bolas story about the two twin brothers.
  2. 1 Group activity learning what animal we are.
  3. What animal you are  
Image result for otterImage result for golden retriever
4. what I learned that I am an otter and golden retriever that if you do something nice for someone you'll remember it and that lex is funny really funny.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

pit, peak and interesting/new

  1. PIT N/A
  2. PEAK Art because it was simple 
  3. INTERESTING Twitter  

Thursday, February 8, 2018

blockers and drivers

making funny noises
listening to music

trying hard
the right space for your learning
getting a good knight sleep

What car are you

I am a Lamborghini Aventador because I usually get what I want and because I like to speed and have loads of fun

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Learning powers

Image result for Resilience
Image result for connecting
Image result for creativity
Being me
Image result for being me
Image result for curiosity

True or False

  1.  I like to play with my little sister 
  2. My favorite game in the Saints row series is SR2  
  3. my Favorite console is Xbox one
  4. And sometimes I spend time with my mum or dad   

Beach ed

On Wednesday the 7 of February me and my class all went out for a beach day at wahi beach I mainly didn't do much all I really did was find some nice looking seashells and put my feet in the water but something I wasn't
expecting was I decently big wave to come in and fill this hole in the beach with water but on to more pressing matters I learned more about what lifeguards do and I also learned about how to be Sun Smart and also learned how to identify rips in the sea. Overall I don't regret going in any way except that I got salt water in my mouth I mean blaah but otherwise it was a great day and I hope to have more.