Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Commonwealth games

1, What is the commonwealth?  The Commonwealth is a family of 53 countries from all over the world

2.Who is part of it?  The Pacific Africa Asia Europe the Caribbean and Americas

3.What are the advantages? Some countries are rich and some countries are big

4.Are there any disadvantages? But some are poor and small

5.Why the commonwealth games? To show diversity equality and friendship

6.When did NZ become part of the commonwealth?1931

7.Who leads the commonwealth? the United Kingdom

8.How many sports are included in the Commonwealth Games? 10

9.What sports are NZ athletes competing in? Running, swimming, boxing, netball,hockey, Rugby,shooting lawn bowls wrestling cycling

10.#EARNTHEFERN - what does this mean?The New Zealand Olympic Committee and Saatchi & Saatchi have released their new brand platform Earn the Fern. The first iteration is an integrated campaign supporting the athletes of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games that opened on Friday 9th February in PyeongChang, South Korea.

11.How does belonging to the Commonwealth support diversity, equality and friendship? (FULL paragraph answer) We share skills with each other and share the same goals. we include everyone no matter the . we care for one another we support each other. and we are all are equal boy and girl.

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